The MESI Certificate in the Honors College teaches happiness as a life skill and provides Honors students with the tools to improve their performance, relationships, health and happiness. Through innovative coursework, workshops, local and global service projects, and guest speakers, the MESI Certificate trains students in mindfulness, self-awareness, self-management, empathy and compassion and prepares them for a life of personal and professional integrity and engagement.
The MESI Certificate helps students from any major – pre-med to business to criminal justice – improve their marketability and job performance while becoming more compassionate human beings and leaders in their respective fields.
M. Grant Norton
Dean, WSU Honors College
The MESI Certificate will help prepare graduates not only for the next phase in their careers, but for life. Being socially and emotionally aware and being able to manage the stress that is an inherent part of our daily lives will help build resilience, happiness, and a more engaged community.
Robin Bond
Assistant Dean, Honors College
Director, Mindfulness-Based Emotional and Social Intelligence
MBSR – Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Level 1 Teacher
Joanne Kunze
WSU Honors College Alumna
The path to medical school has been stressful. I remember days when my mind would be racing so quickly I couldn’t put all my thoughts into words. My doctor suggested the practice of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), citing evidence for its use in preventing physician burnout. I took Dr. Gerber’s Honors 390 course in an attempt to find a solution. It was an amazing semester to say the least, and an incredible opportunity for self-improvement with a reaching effect to those around me. My outlook was brighter, my mind was calmer, and my reactions were softer. I’ve discussed my MBSR habits multiple times in my medical school interviews, and the panels are excited to hear about this self-regulatory process and its impact.
The Honors College recognizes that school is more than just a pursuit of knowledge – it is also a pursuit of self.