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Washington State University

Honors Facilitators

Honors facilitators lead this one-credit freshman course, Honors 198. Presented for the first time in fall 2010, it is intended to help incoming students adjust to college life, to build a sense of community, and learn to work with the Honors curriculum. The class is offered in fall semesters with upperclassmen serving as instructors for the sections. The Honors 198 learning community experience is under the guidance of Honors College Assistant Dean Robin Bond.

Honors Student Facilitators

Miles Boudinot
Kendall Browder
Matthew Bunge
John Bussey
Sophia Cederholm
Tommy Duong
Elli Ehinger
Michael Fasci
Hollen Foster Grahler
Madeline Kennedy

Honors Student Facilitators

Emma Johnson
Jonah Lindblom
Kristi Miller
Taylor Page
GiGi Searle
Katelyn Smith
Meredith Smith
Grace Sonnichsen
Alexis William

Honors Faculty Facilitators

Donald Allison
Robin Bond
Cassa Hanon
Grant Norton

Honors Student Facilitators

Miles Boudinot

Honors 198 Facilitator

Pronouns: He/Him
Seattle, Washington
Area(s) of Study: History & German
Involvement at WSU: Resident Advisor in Honors Hall, President of Honors Student Advisory Council, Honors College Ambassador
Reading history books, listening to music

What do you like the most about being a student in The Honors College?
The community, the focus on learning, the appreciation of all fields of research and a culture of no-holds-barred learning.

Future plans/goals?
Develop proficiency with German and eventually become a professor of history at a university.

Why did you join The Honors College?
I joined Honors for the focus on academics and specialized classes—it didn’t hurt that Bob James told me about Dr. Shier’s 280 class!






Kendall Browder

Honors 198 Facilitator

Pronouns: (She/Her) 
Blythe, California
Area(s) of Study: Pre-law Political Science, Religious Studies, Criminal Justice & Criminology
Involvement at WSU: Honors Ambassador, Honors Facilitator, STAGE Student Theatre, Mock Trial, Thomas S. Foley Institute Intern, Pre-law Society
Theatre, Writing, Hiking

What do you like the most about being a student in The Honors College?
I love the community that I have found within Honors, and the opportunities that it has given me to develop my networking and leadership skills.

Future plans/goals?
After my undergraduate I plan to attend law school.

Why did you join The Honors College?
I joined the Honors College because it offered unique opportunities and resources that I knew would be beneficial during my time at WSU.


Matthew BungeMatthew Bunge

Honors 198 Facilitator

Hometown: Renton, Washington
Areas of Study: Quantitative economics, with minors in political science and mathematics
Involvement at WSU: I am a member of the WSU TTRPG club
Hobbies: Playing guitar, reading, playing / writing for Dungeons & Dragons, archery

What do you like the most about being a student in the Honors College?
While there are many benefits to being in the honors college, the thing I appreciate most is the passion professors have for honors core curriculum classes. Since they choose their own class topics, they approach their instruction with a passion that makes class very rewarding.

Future plans/goals?
I plan to take qualifying tests for actuarial work while in college, then attend graduate school to pursue a doctorate in the field of economics.

Why did you join the Honors College?
I joined the Honors College because of experiences I had in advanced classes in high school. In those environments nearly everyone present wanted to be there, so classes were more interesting and engaging. I wanted to experience a similar environment in college, so joining a community of students dedicated to academic excellence was a perfect opportunity.




John Bussey

Honors 198 Facilitator

Miles Boudinot

Honors 198 Facilitator

Pronouns: He/Him
Olympia, WA
Area(s) of Study: Materials Science and Engineering (minors in Mathematics and Nuclear Materials)
Involvement at WSU: Research with Prof. John McCloy, Honors College Advisory Council (HSAC), Materials Advantage Club, Honors and Engineering Ambassador
Hiking, skiing, running, disc golf, and board games

What do you like the most about being a student in The Honors College?
Beyond the amazing classes and faculty, the Honors Student Advisory Council is a great club with fantastic people.

Future plans/goals?
Pursue a PhD and become a researcher in the area of glass and ceramic materials for nuclear waste immobilization and environmental sustainability.

Why did you join The Honors College?
Many great opportunities (for example, research and study abroad), compelling discussion based classes, and a welcoming community.


Sophia Cederholm

Honors 198 Facilitators

Pronouns: (She/Her)
Attleboro, MA,
Area(s) of Study: Zoology with a pre-vet concentration and minoring in Spanish
Involvement at WSU: Pre-vet club, raptor club, zoology club, volunteer at the Ungulate Facility and the Cougar Food Pantry.
Hobbies: Reading fantasy and sci-fi, watching educational science videos

What do you like the most about being a student in The Honors College?
One major thing I like about being in the honors college is the smaller classes that let me get to know my classmates and professors better.

Future plans/goals?
My future goal is to become a wildlife veterinarian working at a zoo or wildlife sanctuary.

Why did you join The Honors College?
I joined the honors college for the variety of opportunities from the smaller classes and greater research opportunities to the seven-year vet med program.



Tommy Duong

Honors 198 Facilitator

Hometown: Spokane, WA
Area(s) of Study: Electrical Engineering, French.
Involvement at WSU: I work in a research lab on campus for the school of veterinary medicine, as well as TA for The Honors College and Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture.
Hobbies: On my free time, I am a digital artist! It’s great to do something not related to your major.

What do you like the most about being a student in The Honors College?
I love the people I get to interact with, whether it is teaching them, my mentors, or my peers. Tons of good people here within the college.

Future plans/goals?
I hope to find a job in the engineering industry or if my art career takes off, that’s an option too! (or both).

Why did you join The Honors College?
I joined the Honors college because I thought it would be cool to find a small community within the university of highly involved people that are like-minded. That is in fact what I found.

Elli Ehinger

Honors 198 Facilitator

Pronouns: (She/Her)
Yelm, Washington
Area(s) of Study: Chemical Engineering, minor in Math
Involvement at WSU: WSU Symphony Orchestra, Undergraduate Research in Catalysis, American Institute for Chemical Engineers, Honors and VCEA Ambassador, intramural soccer
Hobbies: Running, hiking, skiing, knitting, board games

What do you like the most about being a student in The Honors College?
I like getting to be a facilitator. I also like how the smaller class sizes have introduced me to people from all majors. Some of whom have become very good friends.

Future plans/goals?
I want to go to graduate school to study catalysis and then find a job where I can continue to do catalysis research.

Why did you join The Honors College?
I liked the concept of having a smaller community of Honors students within the university as a whole. It seemed like a good way to take interesting classes and meet interesting people.




Honors 198 Facilitator

Pronouns: (Him/His)
Anchorage, Alaska
Area(s) of Study: Bioengineering
Involvement at WSU: Undergraduate Research, Hall government
Hobbies: Video games, cooking/baking, BJJ, swing dance, crochet; any skill that I can work at and improve with

What do you like the most about being a student in the Honors College?
The thing I like most about being a student in the Honors College is the community you can build with your peers and the amount of support you receive from the faculty to be your best self and succeed.

Future plans/goals?
I plan on pursuing research and eventually get a Phd in bioengineering.

Why did you join the Honors College?
I joined the honors college in order to receive access to all of the opportunities and support they provide for their students and because life is more fun when it challenges you.


A profile of Hollen against a brick wall laughing holding a bagel sandwhichHollen Foster-Grahler

Honors 198 Facilitator

Pronouns: (She/Her)
Olympia, WA
Area(s) of Study: Spanish, Mathematics, and Linguistics.
Involvement at WSU: Director of STAGE Films, Nuthouse Improv Comedy cast member, Linguistics Club
Hobbies: Hiking, running, and writing

What do you like the most about being a student in The Honors College?
I appreciate the tight-knit community and freedom to pursue different areas of interest.

Future plans/goals?
Working in the film industry, particularly in writing and production.

Why did you join The Honors College?
For the small class sizes, discussion-based learning, and interdisciplinary approach.



Madeline Kennedy

Honors 198 Facilitator

Pronouns: (She/Her)
Hometown: Mukilteo, Washington
Area(s) of Study: Hospitality Business Management and Marketing
Involvement at WSU: STARS student, College of VetMed ASWSU Senator, Undergraduate Research Peer Mentor, Honors College Ambassador, Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Club Soccer.
Hobbies: Rock Climbing, Longboarding, and Snowboarding. Active in local church, Living Faith Fellowship.

What do you like the most about being a student in The Honors College?
I love the Honors program because I know it will help me in the direction of my lifelong goals. The smaller class sizes allow me to work more closely with my professors. The students in the classes are hard working and relatable, which I haven’t found in my major classes to the same extent. On top of all this, the networking opportunities are incredible which is so important because at the end of the day; It’s not what you know, but who you know.

Future plans/goals?
I am passionate about community and creating experiences because I love seeing people come together. Hopefully, once I graduate, I will get to use my degree and passion in a corporate setting in a company that shares my values. I also dream of someday opening a restaurant.

Why did you join The Honors College?
I initially heard of the honors program because I was high achieving in high school, and I was invited to join. It has been an incredible experience ever since.


Emma Johnson

Honors 198 Facilitator

Pronouns: (She/Her)
Hometown: Longview, WA
Area(s) of Study: Computer Science (B.S.)
Involvement at WSU: Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture Ambassador, Computer Science TA, Society of Women Engineers
Hobbies: Climbing, playing intramural soccer, and painting/writing cards

What do you like the most about being a student in The Honors College?
My favorite part of the Honors College has been the community and getting to be an honors facilitator.

Future plans/goals?
I plan to make cool things- most likely as a software engineer!

Why did you join The Honors College?
Initially, it was the small class sizes and high-performing community that prompted me to join. I’m glad I chose to do so because being in the honors college has provided me with opportunities I wouldn’t otherwise have had—such as studying abroad, developing connections with faculty, and getting free food on Fridays.

Jonah Lindblom

Honors 198 Facilitator


Photo and bio coming soon!




Kristi Miller

Honors 198 Facilitator

Pronouns: (She/Her)
Hometown: Simi Valley, CA
Area(s) of Study:
Animal Science (pre-vet) with a minor in Spanish.
Involvement at WSU:
Undergraduate research and Canine Companions clu.b
Hobbies: In my free time, I enjoy reading and baking!

What do you like the most about being a student in The Honors College?
My favorite part about being in the Honors College is getting to take so many fun classes outside my major. I’ve gotten to be in classes about poetry, films, and leadership that I would not otherwise have taken.

Future plans/goals?
I plan to pursue a DVM degree and become a veterinarian.

Why did you join The Honors College?
I joined the Honors College because I was excited about the smaller class sizes and the community it created. I have been able to form a closer connection with my classmates and professors.




Taylor Page

Honors 198 Facilitator

Pronouns: (She/Her)
Hometown: Kennewick, WA
Area(s) of Study: Bioengineering, Pre-Med
Involvement at WSU: Undergraduate Research, Society of Women Engineers
Hobbies: : Cooking, Thrifting, and Hiking

What do you like the most about being a student in the Honors College?
 I love how close the community is. I have met some of my best friends through the Honors College!

Future plans/goals?
After graduation, I plan on pursuing an MD/PhD.

Why did you join the Honors College?
I joined the Honors College so that I could be a part of a smaller community while at a large university. The discussion-based coursework and the ability to be involved in a space where everyone was eager to learn were aspects that I really enjoyed!

GiGi Searle

Honors 198 Facilitator

Pronouns: (She/Her)
Hometown: Burlington-Edison, Washington
Area(s) of Study: Biology
Involvement at WSU: Research volunteer at Driskell Lab, member of Competitive Club Tennis Team
Hobbies: Tennis, thrifting, and watching WSU sports.

What do you like the most about being a student in the Honors College?
Being in The Honors College made my transition to university much smoother. Being in smaller groups where professors and facilitators guided discussion based classes in a safe environment helped me feel at home on campus.

Future plans/goals?
I would like to go on a study abroad at some point so I can learn Spanish! I also want to pursue graduate school, but I’m still exploring on what specifically.

Why did you join the Honors College?
I was looking for a community that would guide me to resources that would enhance my time here at WSU, like undergraduate research opportunities and smaller class sizes for a personalized experience, and The Honors College has just that!

Katelyn Smith

Honors 198 Facilitator

Hometown: Mead, WA.
Area of study: Biology with a minor in Environmental Science and Honors MESI certificate.
Involvement at WSU: Resident Advisor, Cougar Connector, Center for Community Engagement Peer Mentor, Orientation Counselor, was part of WSU Colorguard
Hobbies: Photography, skiing, exploring national parks, and house plants.

What do you like most about being a student in The Honors College?
Getting to learn about mindfulness while getting my MESI certificate, and being able to apply what I learn to my daily life.

Future plans/goals?
Finish my undergrad and get my Masters in Teaching at WSU Spokane. Become a high school Environmental Science teacher.

Why did you join The Honors College?
I was in honors classes in high school and when I came to WSU for an Experience WSU event, I learned more about the small class sizes, the unique opportunities, the ability to get a mindfulness certificate, and to learn in unique ways. This seemed extremely appealing and I loved the idea of having strong professor connections within classes and having more discussion based classes.




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Meredith Smith

Honors 198 Facilitator

Pronouns: (She/Her)
Hometown: Duvall, WA
Area(s) of Study: Psychology and Human Development
Involvement at WSU: Research Assistant at the Lab of the Developing Mind, Internship at day support center.
Hobbies: Drawing, Reading, any arts and crafts!

What do you like the most about being a student in the Honors College?
The community!

Future plans/goals?
I want to go to graduate school in a clinical program.

Why did you join the Honors College?
Smaller classes and the greater opportunity to connect with professors.


Grace SonnichsenGrace Sonnichsen

Honors 198 Facilitator

Pronouns: (She/Her)
Hometown: Prosser, Washington
Area(s) of Study: Secondary Mathematics Teaching
Involvement at WSU: I work at the Brelsford WSU Visitor Center, and I’m a student leader for WSU CRU.
Hobbies: I love to read, bake bread, and go for walks.

What do you like the most about being a student in the Honors College?
I love the passion my peers and professors have to learn! I am blessed to have the opportunity to form many relationships with others involved in the Honors College.

Future plans/goals?
I plan to get my masters in education, so I can teach high school level math. I would love to spend some time teaching overseas!

Why did you join the Honors College?
I knew that the Honors College would give me unique experiences I wouldn’t get anywhere else at WSU. I love the classroom sizes, how engaged students and professors are, and the fascinating discussions that are facilitated during class!

Alexis William

Honors 198 Facilitator

Hometown: Camas, WA
Area(s) of Study: Mechanical Engineering
Involvement at WSU: SWE club member, I also volunteer at the Humane Society in Pullman
Hobbies: Music (I play piano and am learning the guitar, and I collect records!), reading, watching sports, drinking coffee, and hanging out with dogs!

What do you like most about being a student in The Honors College?
I love getting to take classes that are totally different from my major and connect with people from all different majors! I think learning to communicate and work with others is super important, especially as an engineer, and having classes that are discussion based and on something I would otherwise never get to learn has been my favorite part of this experience. My honors classes, specifically economics, Spanish, and my leadership courses have been some of my favorite classes to take!

Future Plans/Goals?
I plan to get a Masters in either Aerospace Engineering or Bio-Mechanical Engineering and see where my career takes me from there!

Why did you join the Honors College?
I was drawn to the community aspect that the Honors College offered. I knew Mechanical Engineering was a large major where it would be harder to make connections, and I wanted to have better opportunities to connect with classmates and professors. I also loved how excited everyone is about learning.


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Honors Faculty Facilitators

Donald AllisonDonald Allison

Hometown: Fort Benton, MT
Area(s) of study: Biology; Physician Assistant Studies; Culture, Literacy, and Language
Involvement at WSU: Director of Health Professions Student Center; Clinical Assistant Professor School of Biological Sciences
Hobbies: Travel, language, photography, hiking, horses, dogs, cats

Future plans/goals:
My goal is to assist as many students as possible accomplish their desire for admission to the health profession school of their choice in order to ultimately fulfill their dream of following a career in health care.

Favorite Quote:
““Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
― Nelson Mandela”

What is something you wish you wish you had known when you first started college?
I wish I would have taken advantage of all the great resources available on a college campus and appreciated the wisdom provided me by my advisors and professors.

Robin BondRobin Bond

Pronouns: (She/Her)
Hometown: San Diego, Ca
Area(s) of Study: Classics
Involvement at WSU: Assistant dean of the Honors College
Hobbies: WSU Orchestra (2nd violin), gardening, snowshoeing

Foreign Languages known: Classical Greek and Latin

What I like about the Honors College at WSU: I think the Honors College is important because of the wonderful students who are part of this learning community at WSU.

Where I’ve traveled: UK, France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Canada, and Mexico

I’m excited to be an Honors 198 Facilitator because… I enjoy getting to know first-year students

Favorite Quote: “The unexamined life is not worth living” — Plato, ‘Apology of Socrates’

Something random about me: I am researching animals in Herodotus’ ‘History of the Persian wars’

Cassa Hanon

From: Renton, WA
Area of Study: Computer Science & Business
Involvement at WSU: Adjunct Faculty, Honors College, Advisory Council, Honors College, Advisory Council, College of Arts & Sciences, WSU Foundation Trustee, Society of Women Engineers Mentor

Hobbies: Reading, Theatre, Hiking, Running, Sports Fan

What I like about the Honors College at WSU: I think the Honors College is important because of the wonderful students who are part of this learning community at WSU.

Where I’ve traveled: UK, France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Canada, and Mexico

I’m excited to be an Honors 198 Facilitator because… I learn as much as I teach.

Favorite Quote: ““We don’t always recognize the most significant moments of our lives while they’re happening to us.” – Dr. Graham in Field of Dreams

Something random about me: I’m an identical twin.

Dean of the Honors College, Grant NortonGrant Norton

Pronouns: (He/Him)
Hometown: Godalming, Surrey (in the UK)
Area(s) of study: Materials science
Involvement at WSU: I’m dean of the Honors College
Hobbies: Playing guitar, bird watching, opera, reading, walking my dog

What has been your favorite Honors College class thus far and why?
I teach an Honors 290 class, which I really enjoy. It is “Ten Materials that Changed the World” and has really allowed me to think of my field (materials science) in its broad societal context. I hope the students enjoy taking the class as much as I enjoy teaching it!

What are the Honors College faculty like?
The Honors College faculty are outstanding and committed to the success of each of our students. I am proud and honored to work with these faculty every day.

What is a fun fact about yourself?
I am a big fan of the rock group Kiss.

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